A strategic blend of technological innovation and efficiency can propel your business to unprecedented success in the rapidly transforming business landscape. Mac computers from Apple Inc. have emerged as a popular choice among many London businesses among the tech tools available to companies today. This post will explore the reasons ...

We're pleased to say that as part of our ongoing cyber security initiatives, Pensar IT has renewed its Cyber Essentials Plus certification.

As business operations are becoming more reliant on technology solutions, a strong IT infrastructure is now essential for success. Resisting investing in effective IT support could severely limit the efficiency, productivity and security of your organisation.

It's no secret – business technologies are evolving faster than ever. Yet while we’re all feeling the benefits of Cloud technology, virtual hardware and remote working, it can still be hard to stay on top of our constantly evolving technologies.

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An IT strategy is a comprehensive plan that encompasses a business’ vision and strategic roadmap for IT. Including objectives, principles, tactics and goals, an effective IT strategy will focus on improving a business’ current IT infrastructure and services as well as plans for future development and progress.

Is your business considering Microsoft 365, or are you already a user but you’re not sure if you’re missing a trick, or whether you’re even using it to its full potential? If so, read on, we’ll be looking the many ways your business could benefit from moving to Microsoft 365.